Give Forward today

Give support. Give back. Give forward.

Raising Money for Center Centre Students

Your donation makes a difference

Thank you to everyone who participated in our first Give Forward Day. For anyone who missed Give Forward Day you can still join us in supporting our community. Donate now and help us raise money for Center Centre students. They need your support.

Giving forward is your chance to give back. The more people we reach, the more money we’ll raise for students. Every dollar we raise goes directly to our non-profit Give Forward Student Loan Fund. We can deliver would-be designers a chance to learn the craft you practice every day.

Your donation helps us provide low-interest loans to our students and help make their education a reality. Every $10,000 we collect covers six months of one student’s living stipend. Living stipends allow students to focus their time and energy on their UX educational experience.

Any amount is great. $1000, $500, $250, $50, $25, $10, even $1 helps. (And if donating isn’t an option for you right now, helping us spread the word about this day will be great.) Anything you can give goes straight Center Centre student’s financial aid.

We’ll add your name to our Walls of Awesomeness Donate to Give Forward Student Loan Fund and we’ll add your name to our physical and digital Walls of Awesomeness. See who’s already a Center Centre supporter and has been honored with a spot on our walls.


We interviewed designers about their thoughts on Chattanooga, design, and Center Centre. Hear what they have to say.


Daniel Ryan, Alfonso Gómez-Arzola, and Rina Henderson

Read the interview transcript.

Seun Erinle#

Founder of Grid Principles and A.I.R. Labs

Read the interview transcript.

Alfonso Gómez-Arzola#

Web developer, designer, and partner at Small Batch

Read the interview transcript.

Rina Henderson#

UX designer for CodeScience

Read the interview transcript.

Jaythan Elam#

Senior designer for Carbon Five

Read the interview transcript.

Daniel Ryan#

Web developer and consultant

Read the interview transcript.