Seun Erinle: My name is Seun Erinle. I have two companies one is called Grid Principles and I also own another business called AIR Labs. AIR stands for Aspire, Imagine, and Reason which are the three things I feel like you need to be successful in anything in life. And we teach youth and adults how to code, design, 3D model, anything in the digital world. I went to two different universities. I went to a very traditional university, University of South Carolina, where I got a degree in Computer Science. That's just very: you go to class, you listen to the lecture, you go home, you do your assignment, you turn it in, and that's about it. There's really not any feedback. There's no mentors. There's no facilitators. There's really no way to know if you're doing well or if you need help where to get that help. I think that's a wonderful thing to have a Center Centre that you have facilitators to help and guide you along, but you also have classmates that are perhaps maybe a little bit more advanced than you and can help you along the way and bring you up to their speed. Because we only all can do better if we're helping each other out. Even to this day I'm looking for somebody that can be a mentor of sorts that I can go to and confide in and find out what their struggles were. I think that's a thing that a lot of people need these days is someone to help guide you. Kind of the days of the apprentice is gone and that kind of brings a little bit of it back. I think the advantages that the Center Centre students will have after graduating from here is that they will have been able to work on real projects and they would've had the attention of the facilitators and also their other classmates that might have been advanced in certain areas. That everybody could have helped each other out in whichever way that they could. When I was in university I tried to leave the world of just purely coding to do something with design as well and there really weren't a lot of options. I think Center Centre is a program that would've been amazing when I was younger.